*Registration payment includes Credit Cards and Interfund Transfers ONLY.
The hybrid 2025 Child Abuse Symposium aims to elevate collaboration and multidisciplinary interactions among professionals dedicated to addressing child maltreatment in Mecklenburg County and across the state. This symposium will enhance participants' professional skills and knowledge by providing the latest information on the prevention, recognition, and investigation of child abuse. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the psychological, cultural, and socioeconomic factors that contribute to child abuse, ensuring they are equipped with the most current and comprehensive insights in the field.
The 2025 Child Abuse Symposium is partially funded by the Atrium Health Foundation.
Keynote Presenter:
Shawna Pagano, MSWB
Program Manager, Monitoring & Evaluation
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Additional Presenters:
More Information Coming Soon!
Friday, April 4, 2025 / 8:30 AM - 4:15 PM EST
Registration & Breakfast - 8:00 AM
Program begins at 8:30 AM
* You MUST attend the entire training to receive credit.
In-Person Location
Covenant Presbyterian Church
1000 E Morehead Street
Charlotte, NC 28204
Virtual Attendance
The Virtual Session will be broadcast with Zoom. Instructions to join the webinar will be emailed prior to the event. You can test your computer by going to the Zoom Test Page.
Registration Fee
Pre-Registration Fee: $85.00
Registration Fee: $100.00
Full-Time Student Registration Fee: $50.00
Credit Designation Statement
0.6 CEUs
CEUs are expressed in tenths and 0.1 CEU is based off 60 minutes of instruction.
6.0 Contact Hours
The South Piedmont Area Health Education Center designates this continuing education program as fulfilling the requirements for 6.0 Contact Hours of continuing education.
6.0 Nursing Contact Hours
South Piedmont Area Health Education Center is approved as a provider of nursing continuing
professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by
the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
NC Psychologists Credit
6.0 Contact Hours (category A) CE for NC Psychologists
National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC)
6.0 NBCC Clock Hours
South Piedmont Area Health Education Center (AHEC) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5096. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. South Piedmont Area Health Education Center (AHEC) is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.