Centralina Consortium for Clinical Education and Practice (3CEP) – Student Passport Initiative

About 3CEP

The Centralina Consortium for Clinical Education and Practice was formed in 2013 to continue the work developed by the Consortium for Clinical Education and Practice. This effort standardizes the credentialing requirements and placement process for nursing students within the 8-county region which South Piedmont AHEC serves.

CCEP focuses on 3 key areas:

  • Standardization of student credentialing requirements
  • Implementation of Standard Clinical Student/Faculty Orientation
  • Explore opportunities for standardization for Clinical Placements

Questions and comments may be addressed to May Cheung, MSN, RN-BC at may.cheung@atriumhealth.org

The intent of the C3EP initiative is for each student to complete only one set of requirements that will meet the needs of all facilities within each of the following regional healthcare systems:

  • Atruim Health
  • CaroMont Health
  • Novant Health
The clinical requirements and student information should be provided through an online vendor process. Students/faculty should check with their educational institution to determine the online vendor chosen by the school.

Note: All of the requirements for participation apply to students as well as any faculty who come on-site to any healthcare facility as part of the clinical experience.

3CEP Student & Faculty Passport Requirements

AHA's Basic Life Support-Providers – CPR Training

Background Check including the following:

  • 7 year criminal background check based on Social Security number, name, and address history
  • National sex offender registry check
  • Office of the Inspector General check

Urine Drug Screen to include:

  • AMP amphetamine
  • BAR barbiturates
  • BZP benzodiazepines
  • COC cocaine
  • MTD methadone
  • METH methamphetamines
  • MDMA ecstasy
  • OPI opiates (including heroin)
  • OXY oxycodone
  • PCP phencyclidine
  • PPX propoxyphene
  • THC marijuana

Immunizations to include: (Current CDC Recommendations)

  • MMR: 2 doses or titers for Rubeola, Mumps, and Rubella
  • Varicella: 2 doses or titer for Varicella
  • NEW Tuberculosis (TB) Requirements:https://www.cdc.gov/tb/topic/testing/healthcareworkers.htm
    • Baseline Individual TB Risk Assessment including TB symptom evaluation AND Initial TB/PPD: Two-step PPD within the last 12 months (2nd PPD administered 1-3 weeks after 1st PPD is read) or a TB Blood Test with program admission or readmission.
    • If a student has had a positive TB skin test in the past, such as due to TB exposure/infection or receiving the BCG vaccine, a chest x-ray will be required along with the Baseline Individual TB Risk Assessment and TB symptom evaluation. (Note: If a PPD is positive, chest X-ray should be negative for TB disease; X-ray should be no older than 5 years and individual asymptomatic for TB).
    • Students and faculty are required to complete the Annual TB Risk Assessment and Attestation Form.
    • Students and faculty are no longer required to get annual TB skin tests unless there is a known exposure or ongoing transmission at a healthcare facility.
    • Students and faculty will receive annual TB education via the Core Orientation and/or facility specific requirements.
  • Hepatitis B: Engerix-B or Recombivax HB 3-dose series (at 0, 1 month and 6 months); Heplisav-B 2-dose series at least 4 weeks apart; or HepA-HepB 3-dose series; or titer for Hepatitis B; or formal declination of Hepatitis B (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/adult-shell.html#note-hepb)
  • DPT: One-time dose of Tdap as soon as possible if individual has not received Tdap previously (regardless of when previous dose of Td was received). Td boosters every 10 years thereafter.
  • Influenza Vaccine consistent with the individual facility guidelines. The only exceptions are documented exemptions, or as defined by individual facility guidelines.

Additionally, an online core orientation must be completed by all students and faculty participating in the clinical experience. This orientation is to be completed annually and is applicable for all of the healthcare facilities listed above. The URL address for the core orientation for students and faculty is: https://www.wakeahec.org/webcasts/coreorientation24-25.htm

Updates to the Core Orientation Presentation:

New Resource Guide that lists all links included in the Core Orientation. The links are throughout the slide deck and only accessed from the Resource Guide provided.

Instructions for obtaining certificate of completion:

Click the DONE button at the bottom of the test result page.

Once you click the "DONE" button below, there will be a link to your certificate on the Thank You page. Make sure to click that link and download your blank certificate before closing your browser. Download the copy of the blank certificate, open the certificate from the downloaded location on your computer, type in your name and date of completion, save this document before uploading. Submit the signed and dated certificate to the academic adviser or coordinator, online database or healthcare agency as required.

Step by Step Instructions:

  • At the end of the video, click on the link to proceed to the Evaluation.
  • Read the instructions carefully on the first page of the questions.
  • Complete the questions and evaluation, click done to proceed to the Test Results.
  • Click done again to proceed to the PDF Blank Certificate.
  • Download the blank certificate to your computer.
  • Open the downloaded blank certificate (found in downloads on your computer).
  • Type in your name and date of completion.
  • Save the certificate with your name and date of completion.
  • Upload certificate to appropriate database or print the document.
  • Turn in to the academic site coordinator if required.
  • If you have special needs, contact your academic coordinator for instructions.
  • Note that there is new content in the core orientation and information found in the links is included in the post test.
  • Questions and comments may be addressed to Kathy Clark, MS, RN, kgclark@wakeahec.org
Note: Additional facility-specific orientation may be required (parking, dress codes, etc.). Please check with the facility representative.

Atrium Health

The Policy & Clinical Practice Guidelines and Education for STUDENT NURSES can be found in the following link:

CaroMont Health

  • All requirements for clinical rotations at CaroMont Health are in myClinicalExchange. Please contact your school coordinator for additional information.

Novant Health

  • All requirements for nursing rotations at Novant Health are in myClinicalExchange. Please contact your school coordinator or faculty for additional information.
  • Novant Health COVID-19 vaccination information and exemption requests can be found on the Pipeline & Recruitment Programs website under Program Updates.
  • The website for the Pipeline & Recruitment Program Website is https://www.novanthealth.org/careers/pipeline-and-recruitment-programs.aspx.

Flu Vaccination is a requirement at most Health Care Organizations and coupled with proper hand hygiene and strong infection prevention measures, we will effectively minimize patients' exposure to the influenza virus. We understand that there are individuals who will have medical conditions or religious beliefs that may prevent them from taking the influenza vaccine. If you believe you fall into one of these two categories you may request a flu exemption. Your request will be reviewed and if approved you will likely be required to wear a face mask when in patient care areas. If your request is denied you will be required to get the flu vaccination or you will be denied the opportunity to complete your educational experience. Flu Season typically runs October through March or until the flu season is declared to be over by the region.

Atrium Health

The 2023-2024 Influenza Campaign is Monday, October 2, through Tuesday, November 14.

  • Students will upload proof of vaccination or exemption in myClinicalExchange (mCE) Portal.
  • For detailed instructions on the exemption process for non-Atrium Schools, please click here.
  • Students will be able to get vaccines free at Atrium Health flu clinics but will need to show their Atrium Health student badge.
  • If you have any question, please reach out to amelia.philemon@atriumhealth.org

CaroMont Health

The 2024 Influenza compliance period is September 26th to October 28th.
Please click here to review detailed information about CaroMont Health’s 2024 Flu Policy.

Novant Health

All students and faculty are required to complete and upload their flu shot information into myClinicalExchange (mCE) no later than 5 PM on October 31.

Why so many different background checks and other requirements?

We have a moral and legal obligation to provide a safe work environment and therefore, knowing whether a potential Student has been involved in criminal activity (such as drug or other substance abuse, reckless behavior, dishonesty, theft, or dangerous and violent behaviors) allows us to determine if they are an appropriate fit for the work environment.

What do we do if a student has a positive result on the background check or drug screen?

For a positive background check, the charges are evaluated by individual facility for approval or denial of clinical access. For a positive drug screen:

  • Legal drugs: Valid prescription must be provided for any positive report. Medical Review Officer (MRO) review may be required at the facility level.
  • Illegal drugs: Clinical access denied by specific facility protocol.
  • Negative-Dilute or Out of Range Results (temperature, specific gravity and/or creatinine): Retest required

Why the two step TB test?

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) a person's ability to react to tuberculin may wane over time. "When given a Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) years after infection, these persons may have a false-negative reaction. However, the TST may stimulate the immune system, causing a positive, or boosted reaction to subsequent tests. Giving a second TST after an initial negative TST reaction is called two-step testing. Two-step testing is useful for the initial skin testing of adults who are going to be retested periodically, such as health care workers or nursing home residents. This two-step approach can reduce the likelihood that a boosted reaction to a subsequent TST will be misinterpreted as a recent infection."

Do I have to take the flu vaccine?

Flu Vaccination is a requirement at most Health Care Organizations and coupled with proper hand hygiene and strong infection prevention measures, we will effectively minimize patients' exposure to the influenza virus. We understand that there are individuals who will have medical conditions or religious beliefs that may prevent them from taking the influenza vaccine. If you believe you fall into one of these two categories you may request a flu exemption. Your request will be reviewed and if approved you will likely be required to wear a face mask when in patient care areas. If your request is denied you will be required to get the flu vaccination or you will be denied the opportunity to complete your educational experience. Flu Season runs October through March.

Is the Core Orientation the only requirement for all of the facilities?

Please check with the Director of Student Programs at each healthcare system for facility-specific orientation requirements.

What if I am also an employee at the same facility I will be completing my preceptorship? Do the same requirements apply to me?

A current student affiliation agreement must be on file between your school and facility to allow employees to complete clinical learning experiences. You will then need to follow the instructions provided by your specific employer for their student clearance process.

I'm just shadowing in your facility. Why do I have to provide all of this to you?

We require documentation on each and every student that comes into our facilities for an educational experience. This is in order to keep track of where students are in our facilities at all times and also to know the number of hours that our employees are giving back to our community by offering these educational opportunities.

Why must I wear an ID badge from my school and from your facility?

Each facility will have policy and guidelines to follow in relation to student identification. North Carolina law requires healthcare practitioners to be identified by name, license, and certification associated with protection of patient rights. Some facility ID badges provide physical access to the facility and facility parking locations in addition to student identification. Students are considered to be healthcare practitioners and are subject to facility rules in addition to rules of the academic institution, and corresponding state or federal laws.

The provider is a friend of mine/friend of my family. He/She has already agreed to accept me as a student. What's the big deal of all this paperwork?

We require documentation on each and every student that comes into our facilities for an educational experience. This is in order to keep track of where students are in our facilities at all times and also to know the number of hours that our employees are giving back to our community by offering these educational opportunities.

My school doesn't have a current affiliation agreement with your facility. Can't we just make a new one?

Yes, your school should contact the facility (ies) they desire to have a clinical affiliation with and discuss their process for educational agreements.

How far in advance should I request placement in your facility and/or with one of your providers for a student experience?

This will vary by facility and clinical departments within the facility. The first step in this process is to determine your school has a clinical student affiliation agreement with the facility you are seeking placement. This must be completed prior to requesting clinical site placements. As a general rule the more advance time you can provide the facility the better. Clinical placements are confirmed as the requested departments have the ability to accommodate the request and provide a preceptor or staff member for supervision in those situations where an instructor is not provided by the school. Some facilities plan clinical rotations with the academic partners up to a year in advance; whereas other facilities or departments may require at least six months advance notice. It is best for the academic partner to establish contact with the facility and/or clinical department leader responsible for coordinating the specific placements to determine how much lead time they require as well as the options available to the students during the specific desired timeframes.

I sent you my request. Why don't you have a preceptor for me yet?

The ability for a clinical department to accommodate a student request is dependent on the department's availability of staffing resources necessary to honor a commitment for a student or a group of students. We cannot guarantee placement but will work within our means to meet the needs of our educational partners. Vacancies and onboarding new staff members impact a department's ability to accept student placements. This may vary across the year as acuity and staffing levels may be affected by these needs. Additionally the requested department may have commitments with other students which will impact the ability to accept additional placements. Although we strive to accept all placements there may be occasions in which we may not be able to honor a request or provide an alternative solution. Sufficient lead time to make arrangements for placement helps facilities to better meet these needs.

Once I am approved and a preceptor is assigned to me, who will work out my schedule?

The student will coordinate his/her schedule in cooperation with the preceptor. The student should be prepared to work the days and hours of the assigned preceptor. Preceptors do not have flexibility to work alternate hours based on student preferred hours but will provide as much flexibility as possible within the allocated timeframe to schedule shifts comparable with the student's academic schedule and availability.

Frequently Asked Questions Downloads

The University of North Carolina Board of Governors is the designated regulatory institution in North Carolina that licenses educational institutions providing instruction in the state. Therefore, all students enrolled in an out-of-state educational program must have their school provide proof of licensure with the University of North Carolina Board of Governors when requesting clinical rotations at a NC facility.

To confirm approval with the UNC Board of Governors contact Mr. Terrance Scarborough at (919) 962-4558 or via e-mail at trscarborough@northcarolina.edu.

Additional information is available on the UNC Board of Governors website at www.northcarolina.edu/licensure

Approved Institutions: http://www.northcarolina.edu/?q=content/approved-degree-programs-licensed-institutions

South Piedmont AHEC Contact Information

May Cheung, DNP, RN, NPD-BC
Director, AHEC Nursing Education & Pharmacy Education
704.512.6531 phone
704.512.6568 fax
Kathryn Fitzpatrick, DNP, RN, NPD-BC
Nursing Education Specialist, RN Refresher
RN Refresher Program
704.512.6579 phone
704.512.6568 fax
Patricia McLellan, BSN, RN
Nursing Education Specialist
704.512.6578 phone
704.512.6568 fax
Kim Schnitzler, MSN, RN
Nursing Education Specialist
704.512.2321 phone
704.512.6568 fax

Healthcare Agency Contact Information

Atrium Health

Phyllis Justus, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
AVP, Enterprise Nursing Services
Nursing Education and Professional Development

CaroMont Health

Suzanne McKee
Nurse Education Specialist

Novant Health

Jill Saye, BS, RRT, RCP
Coordinator, Pipeline & Recruitment Programs
Focus Areas: Nursing and Allied Health
Shemeka Shufford, MBA
Manager, Pipeline & Recruitment Programs