*Registration payment includes Credit Cards and Interfund Transfers ONLY.
Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech Language Pathologists
Common laboratory values, lines, and tubes are encountered daily by rehabilitation professionals working in various acute and inpatient settings. This lunch-and-learn webinar series will explore the implications of common laboratory values and highlight key considerations when working with patients with lines and tubes. Please see below for more detailed information.
*Courses may be rescheduled/cancelled due to low registration.*
Overview of Series
The fee for this course covers all topics - Attend EITHER or Attend BOTH!
Each Presentation will be from 12:00pm - 1:00pm on the scheduled day and qualifies for 1 Contact Hour or 0.1 CEUs. (Up to 2 Hours total!)
Must attend the entire live webinar to receive credit for that session.
Thursday, October 24, 2024 (12:00pm - 1:00pm): Lab Values and Interpretation: When to Discontinue Treatment
As individuals in the acute care setting have many different medical issues, they often have abnormal laboratory values. This one hour program will present the common laboratory values seen in acute care settings and discuss the implications, including precautions and contraindications of the abnormal values. The emphasis of clinical decision making with this acutely ill population will be on the trends that one sees in lab values and implications for physical therapy.
Thursday, October 31, 2024 (12:00pm - 1:00pm): Lines, Tubes, Oh my! When to Ask for Help!
This one hour program will discuss the common invasive lines and tubes found in various settings and the problem solving that is involved when working with patients with these lines and tubes. This is an overview presentation and will only provide some of the important basic information on lines and tubes.
Dr. Ellen Hillegass, PT, EdD, CCS, FAPTA
Dr. Hillegass is a physical therapist with APTA board certification in the cardiovascular and pulmonary clinical specialty. She is also a Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association, the highest honor given by the APTA. Ellen is the President and CEO of PT Cardiopulmonary Educators, a web based education company providing webinars for continuing education and residency education that also has a core curriculum in Cardiopulmonary for DPT programs . She is also the founder of a Clinical Residency in Cardiopulmonary through Mercer University in conjunction with Piedmont Hospital.
Webinar Information
This Live Webinar will be broadcast with Zoom. Instructions to join the Live Webinar will be emailed prior to the event. You can test your computer by going to the Zoom Test Page.
Continuing Education Credits include:
(You MUST attend the entire webinar to receive credit for that session. You do NOT have to attend all sessions to receive credit.)
CEUs/Contact Hours
Each Presentation qualifies for 1 Contact Hour or 0.1 CEUs. (Up to 2 Hours total)
NCBPTE Contact Hours
South Piedmont AHEC, NC AHEC system, is an approved provider by the North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners with regard to activities directly related to physical therapy for continued competence.
Audiologists or Speech-Language Pathologists
South Piedmont AHEC will issue Certificates of Completion only; the participant must self-track and record the certificate for ASHA Certification Documentation. Choose contact hours or CEUs.
Occupational Therapists
As of July 1, 2018, the NCBOT no longer accepts applications for pre-approval of CCAs. OT practitioners need to make sure they are completing activities that comply with Section .0800 of the NCBOT Rules.
Registering for and attending a South Piedmont AHEC program authorizes South Piedmont AHEC to take audio, video, and/or still images to be used for promotional and educational purposes. If you have concerns, please speak with a South Piedmont AHEC team member.
Stephanie Levi DPT, 704-512-6523